Publications and Presentations


Calkins, S., Conway, A.L., Daniels, T., Frey, R.F., Gillian-Daniel, D.L., Goldberg, B.B, Greenler, R. McC., Hill, L.B., Hokanson, S.C., Pinder-Grover, T., Armstrong, S., Buchanan, D., Dorizan, S., Green, N.H., Hernandez, I.A., Himelman, L.M., Immelman, T., Keeles, O.W., Lewis, H., Shin, S.S., Womack, V., York, A.M., Scaling inclusive teaching: A national STEM teaching initiative centering identity, power and privilege. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 56(5), 31–40.  Scaling Inclusive Teaching

Codding, D., Yen, A.H., Lewis, H., Johnson-Ojeda, V., Frey, R.F., Chobot Hokanson, S., Goldberg, B.B. Nationwide Inclusive Facilitator Training: Mindsets, Practices and Growth, To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development 43(2): 6. Facilitator Mindsets

Jaimes, P., Bottorff, E., Hopper, T., Jilberto, J., King, J., Wall, M., Coronel, M., Jensen, K., Mays, E., Morris, A., Weiland, J., Wrobel, M., Nordsletten, D., Pinder-Grover, T., The IT-BME Project: Integrating Inclusive Teaching in Biomedical Engineering through Faculty/Graduate Partnerships, Biomed Eng Education (2024). The IT-BME Project

Johnson-Ojeda, V., Hill, L. B., Shin, S., York, A. M., & Frey, R. F. (2025). Measuring STEM Instructors’ Learning of and Growth in Inclusive Teaching: Development and Evaluation of the STEM Faculty Inclusive Teaching Survey (FITS). CBE—Life Sciences Education, 24(1), ar13: 1-18. (in the special issue: Equity, Inclusion, Access, and Justice) Measuring Learning Growth Inclusive Teaching

Under review:

Calkins, S., Johnson-Ojeda, V., Woods, S.E., Gillian-Daniel, D.L., Dorizan, S., Kusano, S., Frey, R.F., (2024). Building Confidence in Applying Inclusive Teaching Practices: An Exploratory Mixed Methods Analysis. International Journal of STEM Education.

Codding, D., Yen, A. H., Lewis, H., Johnson-Ojeda, V., Hokanson, S. C., & Goldberg, B.B. (2025) Community, belonging, and peer-engagement: Participant experiences reflect consistency of facilitation practices in inclusive STEM teaching learning communities, under review at CBE Life Sciences Education.  Participant LC Experiences

Hill, L. B., Hill, R. L., Frey, R. F., & Buchanan, D. (2024). Developing as Inclusive Instructors through High-Engagement Professional Development [Manuscript submitted for publication to Innovative Higher Education]

Hill, L. B., Frey, R. F. Woods, S. E., & Buchanan, D. (2024). Faculty Case Studies on Learning to Teach Inclusively in Undergraduate STEM. [Manuscript submitted for publication to International Journal of STEM Education]



Hokanson, S. C., Goldberg, B. (2024). Infusing Active Learning with Inclusive Practices, Michigan State University Certificate of College Teaching Institute, East Lansing, MI.

Goldberg, B. (2024). Scaling inclusive teaching: A national STEM teaching initiative centering identity, power and privilege. Distinguished Lecture, Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education, The Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Goldberg, B. (2024). Scaling inclusive teaching: A national STEM teaching initiative centering identity, power and privilege, subtitle: How a physicist becomes an educational change agent. Multidisciplinary Program in Education Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Pinder-Grover, T., Hokanson, S.C., Goldberg, B.B. (2024). National training in inclusive STEM teaching: Status, outcomes, impacts and course experiences, presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities national conference, Washington D.C.


Pinder-Grover, T, Goldberg, B. B., Conway, A., Greenler, R., Hokanson, S. C. (2023). Identity, Privilege, and Power in the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project, POD Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Calkins, S., Woods, S. (2023). Building Confidence in Applying Inclusive Teaching Practices: A Mixed Methods Analysis, POD Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Hokanson, S.C., Codding, D., Yen, A., Goldberg, B. (2023). Facilitation Practice and DEI Confidence in Inclusive Teaching Learning Communities, POD Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Codding, D., Yen, A., Lewis, H., Johnson-Ojeda, V., Frey, G. Hokanson, S.C., Goldberg, B. (2023). Improving Inclusive STEM Teaching through Facilitated Learning Communities: A Discussion of Participant and Facilitator Outcomes. Round Table discussion at the ASPIRE Alliance National Summit, Los Angeles, CA.

Brown, R., Codding, D., Goldberg, B., Jackson, R., Su, E. (2023). Advancing practice through Inclusive Teaching Learning Communities, Presentation at Northwestern University TeachX, Evanston, IL.

Burgess, L., Perdian, D., Rimkus, D., Goldberg, B. (2023). Centering Identity: An Inclusive Teaching Course for Community College STEM Faculty. Presentation at American Association of Community Colleges, Denver, CO.

Calkins, S., Woods, S. (2023). Building Confidence in Applying Inclusive Teaching Practices: A Mixed Methods Analysis. Presentation planned for POD Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Codding, D., Yen, A., Lewis, H., Johnson-Ojeda, V., Frey, G. Hokanson, S., Goldberg, B. (2023). Improving Inclusive STEM Teaching through Facilitated Learning Communities: A Discussion of Participant and Facilitator Outcomes. Round Table discussion at the ASPIRE Alliance National Summit, Los Angeles, CA.

Conway, A., Burgess, L., Perdian, D., Goldberg, B. (2023). Centering Identity: An Inclusive Teaching Course for Community College STEM Faculty. Presentation at Achieving the Dream Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Hill, R., Conway, A., Burgess, L., Perdian, D. (2023). Building Capacity for Inclusion in STEM. Presentation at Council for Study of Community Colleges, Chicago, IL.

Hokanson, S., Codding, D., Yen, A. (2023). Facilitation Practice and DEI Confidence in Inclusive Teaching Learning Communities. Presentation planned for POD Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Hokanson, S., Goldberg, B. (2023). Effective inclusive teaching professional development at a national scale.  Presentation at National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.


Burgess, L., Hokanson, S., Goldberg, B. (2022). An Inclusive Teaching Course for Community College STEM Faculty. Presentation at the NISOD National Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.

Gillian-Daniel, D. L. (2022). Inclusive Teaching Workshop. Synchronous, online presentation at the Animal Behavior Society 2022 Conference, virtual.

Goldberg, B., Hokanson, S., Pinder-Grover, Tershia. (2022). National training in inclusive STEM teaching: Status, initial outcomes and cycles of improvement. Presentation at IUSE Summit, Washington, DC.

Goldberg, B., Conway, A., Burgess, L., Perdian, D. (2022). An Inclusive Teaching Course for Community College STEM Faculty. Workshop presented at the ATD DREAM Conference, virtual.

Hill, L. B., Hill, R., Bantawa, B., & Frey, R. F. (2022). The impact of the inclusive STEM teaching project: Qualitative results. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Minneapolis, MN.

Hill, L. (2022) The Impact of the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project (ISTP): Emergent Research Findings. Presentation at IUSE Summit, Washington, DC.


Conway, A., Womack, V., Goldberg, B. (2021). The Design of an Inclusive Teaching Course for STEM Faculty. Workshop presented at NISOD Annual Meeting, virtual.

Daniels, T., Goldberg, B., Womack, V.Y., (2021). Centering Identity: The Design of an Inclusive Teaching Course for STEM Faculty. Workshop presented at AAAS-IUSE Summer Labs, virtual.

Frey, R. (2021). The Inclusive STEM Teaching Project: An online faculty-development program for instructors teaching STEM undergraduates. Workshop presented at Purdue University, virtual.

Womack, V. (2021). Reflectively Creating Inclusive Learning Environment in STEM. Workshop presented at Oklahoma State University, virtual

Womack, V., Calkins, S., Dorizan, S., Goldberg, B. (2021). Lessons on Inclusive STEM Teaching Project: A Northwestern University Learning Community. Panel discussion at the Northwestern’s University’s TEACHx Conference, virtual.

Womack, V.Y., Armstrong, S., Calkins, S., Gillian-Daniel, D., Daniels, T., Frey, G., Goldberg, B., Greenler, R., Tuttle, N. (2021). Critically Reflecting on Inclusive Teaching Practices through Embodied Case Studies. Demonstration session presented at the University of Tennessee- Knoxville: Innovative Teaching & Learning Conference, virtual.


Womack, V.Y., Daniels, T., Pinder-Grover, T., Calkins, S., Greenler, R., & Goldberg, B. (2020). Centering Identity: The design of an inclusive teaching course for STEM faculty. Ideation session presented at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) STEM Education Conference, virtual.


Goldberg, B., Armstrong, S., Calkins, S., Conway, A., Daniels, T., Frey, G., Gillian-Daniel, D., Green, N., Greenler, R., Hill, L., Hokanson, S., Keeles, O., Milton, J., Pinder-Grover, T., Savoy, J., Tuttle, N., Wilson, S., & Womack, V. (2019). Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Undergraduate STEM Instruction. Poster presented at the Accelerating Systemic Change in STEM Higher Education (ASCN) Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.

Goldberg, B., Armstrong, S., Calkins, S., Conway, A., Daniels, T., Frey, G., Gillian-Daniel, D., Green, N., Greenler, R., Hill, L., Hokanson, S., Keeles, O., Milton, J., Pinder-Grover, T., Savoy, J., Tuttle, N., Wilson, S., Womack, V. & York, A.  (2019). Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Undergraduate STEM Instruction. Poster presented at the Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC) Meeting, Omaha, NE.

Womack, V. Goldberg, B., Armstrong, S., Calkins, S., Conway, A., Daniels, T., Frey, G., Gillian-Daniel, D., Green, N., Greenler, R., Hill, L., Hokanson, S., Keeles, O., Milton, J., Pinder-Grover, T., Savoy, J., Tuttle, N., Wilson, S., & York, A.  (2019). The Inclusive STEM Teaching Project. Poster presented at the CIRTL Forum, Philadelphia, PA.