Facilitator Conference Schedule

This is the inclusive STEM Teaching Project Facilitator Conference Logo. Four speaking bubbles of different colors overlap with one another with the text, facilitator conference superimposed on them. Above this is the text Inclusive STEM Teaching Project, below this is the text May 29 to 30, Boston University, Boston MA

This is a schedule for the ISTP Facilitator Conference occurring May 29-30, 2024. Underlined text in the schedule indicates where we encourage facilitator participation or facilitators will be presenting/sharing their work.

DAY 1: Project – Led Workshops

Time Day 1
8:30-9:30 am Breakfast
9:30-10:30 am Expectations for the day; shout outs!; Overview of ISTP outcomes; discussion guidelines
10:30-10:45 am Break
10:45-12:00 pm Workshop: Developing and implementing multipartial facilitation skills 
12:00-1:30 pm Lunch and Optional Table Talks: Sharing resources and ideas that worked well in learning communities 
1:45-3:15 pm Workshop: Managing Hot Moments and Challenging Conversations
3:15-3:30 pm Break
3:30-5:00 pm Project report out + Facilitator discussion: ISTP project research on learning communities
5:00-5:15 pm Break

Poster Session

List of Posters

  • Embracing Versatile Teaching Approaches: A Necessity for Effective Classroom Learning
  • Breaking Glass Ceilings in STEM: Collaborative Strategies for Inclusive Economics Education
  • The Tale of Two Institutions: Challenges Implementing Inclusive STEM Teaching
  • Experiencing the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project through BioQUEST Learning Communities
  • Considerations for Two Cohort Driven Faculty Development Models
  • Earning a Seat in the Adult’s Table at the Academia Party: A Case Study for Incorporating Graduate Students to Institutional DEI Efforts
  • Safe and Positive Learning Environment: Lessons for Facilitating
6:30 pm Dinner on your own (we will have reservations at a few restaurants and a dinner guide)

DAY 2: Facilitator – Led Discussions

Time Day 2
8:30-9:30 am Breakfast
9:30-10:00 am Expectations for the day; Reflection of day 1; Burning Questions
10:00-10:15 am Break

Concurrent Paper Session A

Reports and Reflections on Facilitating Learning Communities

  • Defining Inclusive Teaching at a Small Liberal Arts College by Adapting ISTP for Multiple Audiences
  • Starting a snowball for inclusive teaching at Penn State: Pilot implementation of ISTP FLCs in the College of Engineering
  • Engaging Administrators Toward Strengthening DEIS Institutionalization

Concurrent Paper Session B

Adapting ISTP Approaches, Activities, and Structures

  • Faculty Interest Groups for Student Success
  • A Semester-long Equity Project for Preservice STEM Teachers
  • ISTP Project Member Paper
12:15-1:30pm Lunch and celebration slide presentations
1:30-3:00 Discussion: Maintaining community post-project

ISTP Facilitator Conference Learning Goals

Workshop Learning goals Activities
Developing multi-partial facilitation skills  1. Describe dominant and counter-narratives and how they may emerge in learning community discussions

2. Distinguish multi-partial facilitation from impartial and partial methods.

3. Identify personal and team-based strategies to respond to example scenarios.

Co-develop responses to example scenarios in cross-institutional small groups 
Managing Hot Moments and Challenging Conversations 1. Describe the core components of the CLARA facilitation method

2. Identify personal and team-based strategies to respond to critical moments

3. Practice facilitation techniques in response to case studies.

Small group discussions within institutional facilitation teams; case study discussions and facilitation practice in cross-institutional groups
Facilitating affinity group discussions 1. Describe the value of affinity-based discussions

2. Identify the strengths of affinity groups within ISTP

3. Develop skills related to facilitating identity-based discussions

Self as an instrument activity in pairs, small group reflections on integrating identity and personal experience into learning; small group brainstorm about maintaining boundaries and self-care